WORK III Schedule
Here is the schedule for the third conference of a series of three online conferences of WORK2021 – Work beyond Crises
The conference schedule is subject to minor changes.

Day 1 – Wednesday 8 December
17:00 (UTC +2)
Opening Speech
Anne Kovalainen, Chair of the Conference
17:15-18:45 (UTC +2)
Massimiliano Mascherini
Head of Unit ad interim, Social Policies, Eurofound
Economic and social implications of COVID-19 in Europe – evidence from Eurofound survey
Chair: Anne Kovalainen, University of Turku, FI
Day 2 – Thursday 9 December
9:00-10:45 (UTC +2)
Session 1 – Workshops (parallel)
2. Climate Change and Work
5. Digitalization, Covid-19 and Changes in Work Life
8. Gendering Work
16. Work, Wellbeing and Health
11:00-12:45 (UTC +2)
Session 2 – Workshops (parallel)
4. Digital Society, Technology and Work
5. Digitalization, Covid-19 and Changes in Work Life (NB! Two parallel sessions)
8. Gendering Work
10. Open Stream
13. Technology and Every Day Life
14. Technology Transforming Care Work and Professionals
15. Work, Techniques and Crisis
16. Work, Wellbeing and Health
13:00-14:00 (UTC +2)
Plenary Panel
Gillian Symon, Professor of Organization Studies, Royal Holloway, University of London & Katrina Pritchard, Professor, Swansea University & Christine Hine, Professor of Sociology, University of Surrey
Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization
Chair: Anne Kovalainen, University of Turku, FI
14:15-14:45 (UTC +2)
Virtual Exhibition in Design Museum Iittala
During the guided exhibition, you will learn facts and details of famous Finnish designers and objects of which many are still manufactured at the Glass Factory Iittala.
15:00-16:45 (UTC +2)
Session 3 – Workshops (parallel)
4. Digital Society, Technology and Work
5. Digitalization, Covid-19 and Changes in Work Life
10. Open Stream
14. Technology Transforming Care Work and Professionals
16. Work, Wellbeing and Health
17:00-18:45 (UTC +2)
Session 4 – Workshops (parallel)
10. Open Stream

Contact information
email: work2021(a)
Chair, Professor
Anne Kovalainen
Marja Rautajoki
Research Assistant
Oskari Pukkila
Contact Us